Monday, May 16, 2011

Music Monday!

I love the chorus to this song:

There could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies, disguises, and hoops they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you

The average woman consumes 6 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime. To say ladies care about their appearances is an understatement.

This song sends a message to girls today that needs to be shouted on a mountain top.

Girls listen up: The devil wants nothing more than for you to believe the lies of this world, but let me tell you something - you are beautiful just the way He made you. You don't need to conform or become what some friends, boy, TV Show, or magazine tells you to be. All you need to conform to is God and His Word. Cling to Him. Imitate Him (Eph 5:1).

I love Colossians 3:2 - "Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things!" We get so focused on things on the earth that we push aside the whole reason and purpose on why and what we are here to do. We were created to worship and bring Him honor and glory in everything we do. What a privilege and an awesome/humbling opportunity we have as Christians - carrying His name.

God tells us what He thinks of us:
Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Girlfriend - take note of that last part: "...I know that full well" Do you know that "full well" or are you just reading it? If you know it than you walk, talk, and act like you know that full well. The only way you can know it is by being in Him on a daily basis - seeking His plan and His ways for your life.

Ephesians 2:10 - "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Catch that - YOU are His workmanship. That is something you should write on your mirror with a dry erase marker. You are God's workmanship, girlfriend. Don't believe any different and don't let anyone make you think any different.

Psalm 45:11 - "The King is enthralled in your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord." I'm just in awe of this verse. My King is enthralled by yours and my beauty. HONOR Him. Question for you - Are you honoring Him in what you say, how you dress, what you watch, or even how you treat your parents? Girlie, let me tell you. I didn't see a question mark after that verse. God is telling you to HONOR Him - Your King in EVERYTHING!

The beauty that matters most to God is on the inside, but it will be reflected in how you present yourself on the outside.

Proverbs 31:30 - "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised."

This week I'm highlighting:
Song: More Beautiful You
Artist: Jonny Diaz


  1. umm that's gross! 6lbs!!! wowzers...

  2. I probably consume 6lbs of chapstick! ha! yuck! I've given you a blog award! Check out my blog and follow along!

  3. That is beautiful! Many girls never hear they are beautiful just the way God made them. It is a wonderful message. You are beautiful too!

    Check out my blog if you get a chance. I talk about my adventures as a mom and many other wonderful ways God blesses us.
