Thursday, April 1, 2010

Does Anyone Hear Her?

Check this video continues to challenge me

I love this band, Casting Crowns. They address real issues through music.

This should be a wake up call for all Christians. HELLO. People are there. CRYING out. Watching you. They know who you are. Notice how the video shows the Christians literally crossing the street, sitting in coffee shops, or worse, actually walking into church minding their own business, and not even thinking twice about the people around them.

Those of us that have been in church for awhile can get comfortable with everything. We know everyone, park and sit in the same spots each week, shake the same people’s hands, discuss life with the same friends, and maybe throw in a little change here and there. Bottom line, and I am just as guilty of this, too often we get caught up in our comfort zone without even realizing that there are literally people right next to us hurting, crying out, wanting and needing maybe just a hello, a hug, someone to accept them for who they are and guide them along the way.

My heart hurts so bad and the tears start rolling down my face when the “lost girl” is getting out of her car and the “church lady” looks at her horribly because of what she looks like...seriously? She didn’t even make it to the door. What’s to make her want to come inside now? What’s to make her ever want to come to Jesus? Really, people? Really? Is that what “Christians” want to be known as? Judgmental and critical? Is anyone hearing me on this? These are serious issues.

At the end of the video they talk about how “he” is running. The girl finally connected to another girl at the cafe who decided to take a little extra time to show God’s love, but there is always someone else “running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction.”

With Easter right around the corner...there are going to be tons of people that are going to be sitting next to you at church maybe even in your seat. Please be mindful of this and make the extra effort to show them the love of Jesus. They may only come to church for Christmas and Easter, but this may be the day that changes their forever; changes their whole life. This might be the day it finally clicks with them.

Embrace them, welcome them, make them feel accepted before they even get into the church. We ALL need the love and mercy from our Heavenly Father.