Tuesday, May 10, 2011


In my family you don't have a birthday "day" you have a birthday week... So birthdays are super fun! This is being posted late - but the "birthday month" just ended. :)

Starting on Sunday the week of my birthday, I got a text from my Momma, "The birthday week has begun!!! Woohoo!!!" And then from there, fun/random gifts like a new pink watch, bath stuff, and more appeared each day!

Earlier in the week I received a package from one of my best friends who is serving in the mission field (I blogged about her earlier). She and her precious little family are in the Philippians. She sooo blessed me by remembering!

On Wednesday morning (the day of my birthday) I have to say - was just an absolute blast. I was so blessed to be spending my birthday morning doing what I love the most: studying God's Word and being with the people I love: My Bible Study family. That morning all the ladies gathered together to say goodbye to a precious Bible Study leader who is moving and they ended up surprising me by singing Happy Birthday...and the song was lead by an awesome friend of mine.

When returning to our specific Bible Study rooms, I was surprised, and in awe of, the cake balls (seriously the best thing ever...straight from Heaven I tell you), roses, and fun gifts. The women in my class made my birthday morning soo much fun and they blessed me beyond I can tell ya.

After a fun morning with the ladies...I had lunch with Momma (with another fun gift) and headed home for a nap since I get up at 5 am on Bible Study days. When I pulled in my driveway, there were balloons and fun birthday goodies in my yard! I had been birthday punked.

Thankfully I got a nap before meeting my family for dinner at the glorious Pappasito's. My man and I LOVE our Tex-Mex like no other. We are all about chips, salsa, fajitas, and the beautiful Pappasito's special sauce.

We stuffed our faces with goodness and then they sang the fun Pappasito's Birthday song...

My Momma made me the best cake that has ever hit your lips. When she asked me what kinda cake I wanted for my birthday - I told her I wanted a "ding-dong" cake. This Momma is already honestly known for her cooking and mad baking skills, but this cake will be served in Heaven. Just in case you don't get a slice here on earth...after you greet Jesus in Heaven, make sure you run to the bakery and grab yourself a slice of this cake.

My Parents had everything personalized for me...if you know me, I'm all about personalization. I think it's sooo fun!

And no family gathering would be complete without a game of Aggravation.

Shout out: Thank you to my Man, my Mom and Dad, Bible Study ladies, friends, and family for making my birthday sooo fun and special. Love you all dearly!


  1. Those birthday cake balls are SOOOO cute!! And that black and white zebra print you were wearing looked so pretty on you!!

  2. Thank you, friend. The cake balls were sooo cute and yummy! :)
