Thursday, June 16, 2011

Meet PiNK's Intern!!!!

I know it has been a while...but I have a good reason. It's summer Bible study season. Therefore, I've been trying to dedicate every minute of every day to the study. If you have been following for a while - you know this is my favorite time of year!

Over the next couple of posts, I will introduce you to some fun new people. PiNK Ministries has 2 Summer Interns this year. Saying they are a blessing to me personally and to PiNK Ministries is a complete understatement. They both bring such a passion, excitement, and love for Jesus and the girls this summer. Summer Bible study would not be possible without these two girls. They have been working with me for countless hours getting everything ready week in and week out. So thankful to Jesus for bringing these girls to PiNK this summer.

In this post I am going to introduce to you, Kaci.

Kaci, has written a post for y'all, but I'm going to give you some fun facts about her first...

School: Junior in College at ACU
Favorite Color: Purple
Favorite Food: Mexican Food
Favorite Verse: 1 Peter 5:7 and Psalm 139:13-15
Favorite Starbuck's Drink: Soy Green Tea Latte
What she wants to do when she graduates ACU: Not sure what she wants to do yet, but she knows that God will use her communication degree along with her family studies minor for something that follows His plan for her life.

And now, here are some inspiring words from our new Intern, Kaci:

Teenage girls. Oh what a hard age to be, especially in the culture we live in today. Between society, schools, magazines and other media, teenage girls have so much to compare themselves to. Fitting in is the hardest thing to do as a Christian teenage girl. The world tells us that we need to be like them, but the Bible tells us to stand out. Where can girls these days find the balance? Well, with other Christian girls of course!

I have been given an amazing opportunity to work as an intern with Rachelle Oneacre. Rachelle started her own girls’ ministry called PiNK. I became involved with this amazing ministry last summer. In just one year, God has quadrupled her ministry. Rachelle is on fire for the Lord and practically tells everyone she meets. Well actually she doesn’t have to tell you, you could just know by talking to her for five seconds. Rachelle’s passion for teenage girls really sparked an interest with me.

Last summer, I did not fully understand the entirety of having an all age girl Bible study, with the youngest being in sixth grade and the oldest being a college girl, like myself. But the more I became involved and began to understand the importance of younger girls having older, Christian role models, the more it began to make sense. My sophomore year of college, God was stirring something up within me that I cannot describe. All of a sudden, I became obsessed with the younger generation of girls. These teenage girls have it so hard; which explains why I am here today. I am at PiNK because I believe that in order for girls who are walking the narrow path to righteousness to keep their eyes ahead and avoid as many trials as possible, they need the support of other girls who are going through the same thing. I strongly believe in the power of relationships. Our God is a relational God. That has been my main theme this past year because it helps me to focus on the relationships around me and realize how valuable they really are. Throughout the Bible, we see that God created ways for us to always have relationships. When he made Adam and Eve, when they created family, when God created church, when people formed friendships. How beautiful!! God knew that we could not do a life in Him alone so He gave us others to support us when we’re down, to encourage us when we feel worthless, and to challenge us to live a life that is ALL ABOUT HIM! This is what PINK is about and I am so excited about what God has in store this summer! He was already working and teaching me before Bible study even got started.

This past semester at college was about waiting on HIM. Probably the hardest thing to do for a human is to be patient, but what’s even harder is giving Him complete control. It has taken me a very long time to realize that my life is so much better when He has total control over it. On paper, the concept sounds easy, but try relinquishing every thought and plan you had for your life and start walking blindly into the darkness of the unknown. Scary? Definitely. Worth it? More than you know. So the start of this Bible study was very challenging for Rachelle because Bible study had grown so large that we now had no place to hold everyone. Rachelle’s search for the location finally ended Monday night before Bible study after having talked to every place in the Cypress area. We definitely learned to embrace the concept of God’s timing when He provided us with the perfect location late Monday night. Although it can be honestly frustrating for things not to go according to your plan or the way you would have wanted it to turn out, God’s timing is never late and is always on time. I’m anxious to see how this theme continues to play out not only in Bible study, but throughout the rest of the summer.

There are so many new girls at Bible study, most of whom I got to talk to, and let me tell you…wow. I am so excited for the hearts of these younger girls! We also have some new leaders and what amazing girls they are! I cannot even begin to describe how awesome these girls are in this blog, but stay tuned and you will start to see not only how awesome these girls are, but how majestic and powerful our God is.

- Kaci

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