This video just cracks me up! I'm pretty sure my Dad is going to be sporting the same Hawaiian shirt that guy has on in the video today.
10 of my favorite things about my Dad:
1. No one can make me laugh so hard that I can't breath, with tears pouring down my face like my Dad.
2. He thinks anything can honestly be fixed with duct tape! We will not mention all the things he has attempted to fix in this post. :)
3. His negotiation skills can run circles around anyone! You just don't want to go if you getembarrassed easily.
4. That he truly believes he is the best (or in his terms "World Champion") at every game we ever play no matter how times he looses.
5. I love his passion and true heart for rock and roll music.
6. He always believes in me (no matter what).
7. I love that he loves my man and they get along so well!
8. He's always willing to do whatever he can to help me with whatever is going on.
9. Constantly prays for me, my man, PiNK ministries, and for God continue to move in our lives.
10. Loves me more than I'll ever know and has one of the best hearts of any man.
I'm so thankful for my, Dad! Happy Father's Day, Daddy!
Dad and I at my wedding!
Dad and I waiting for our turn to go down the aisle.
Father/Daughter dance at the wedding.
Family pics! Daddy and I

Us being normal at Thanksgiving!
Dad and I at Thanksgiving!
Chilling on the patio!
Dad with his "Terminator" that he shoots fireworks from. I love his passion for anything that blows up!
The original 3. Mom, Me, and Daddy! I love them more than they will ever know.
Dad and I! I love you, Dad!

okay that put tears in my eyes lol maybe I'm just emotional today, but loved the post! God is good! :) :)