giving me this award. This is a great way to know
other bloggers.
How It Works:
-Thank the person who gave you the award by linking
back to them in your post.
-Tell us 7 things about yourself.
-Award 15 or 16 recently discovered bloggers (I only did 12)
-Tell us 7 things about yourself.
-Award 15 or 16 recently discovered bloggers (I only did 12)
-Contact those bloggers and let them in on the
exciting news!
1. I LOVE peanut butter, the color pink, accessories,
having my toe nails painted, popcorn with peanut M&M's,
and Starbucks coffee.
2. I have three Boston Terriers and one neurotic mutt.
3. I broke my femur snow skiing and sang praise and
worship songs as they took me down the mountain!
4. I had a tree house growing up in my backyard that I
practically lived in.
5. I had a tire stolen off my car and prayed that it
would be returned and it was! This story can be
verified by friends!
6. Several weeks ago, I was randomly awakened at
6:30 in the morning by 3 kids in diapers standing at
my front door with Popsicles just wanting to know
my dogs name.
7. I love to cook and bake. But I do
not like any pies!!!
A View From Our Lives
Yay! Thanks for the award! :) :)