Monday, March 1, 2010

Wake Up Call!!!

My best friend told me about this video she saw at church this past weekend. While watching it I just wept. Watch the video below...

It stepped on my toes and I hope it stepped on yours. I don’t mean that in a horrible way at all...actually I mean that in the most loving way. I totally agree with the guy...I am so tired of Christians living a double life.

In one of my Bible studies I am in this semester we are studying the Old Testament. Wow!! I am seriously in love with the Old Testament. I have heard it spoken too many times to people that they should just read the New Testament. It’s easier. It’s better. What? Hmm...God wrote the WHOLE Bible. I’ve also heard before that when you read the Old Testament you can really see the heart of God, and after really getting into it and studying it I would have to agree. I love how God is just black and white. There are no gray areas with Him. You are either in or your out. Your chosen or you aren’t. I will talk more about the Old Testament in a whole ‘nother blog...

After watching the video last night I looked over to my husband with tears flowing down my cheeks and said how deceived Christians deceived our generation is and we are teaching the next one the same. I was personally challenged to step up my game as a Christian. I am carrying the name of Christ. That is never to be taken lightly.

I’ve told many of my girls that God and Satan are not Disney characters and Heaven and Hell are not a fantasy land. They are very real. People have watered down and tried to make everything look so cute that it’s been made into something that it’s not.

I want to make God famous through me. I am going to challenge each of you reading this as well as myself. Make God famous through you.... STAND UP be the Christian and carry His name. Be a JESUS FREAK. Be the difference. Be the change! Cuz one day we will have to make a stand for it all!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That is a lot to chew on.......interesting video with a lot of really good points.
