Friday, February 26, 2010

Great State of Texas

I recently on our last family vacation purchased this sign. So many great things with this sign that hangs in my kitchen.

1. It’s pink - enough said

2. Don’t mess with Texas Women - if you are a Texas woman, married to a Texas woman, or have a friend that is a Texas woman you know exactly what that means.

Therefore, that got me thinking on so many reasons why I love the state of Texas. So I decided I would share a few with you...

Reasons I love Texas

1. People have so much state pride (including myself)

2. Blue Bell Ice Cream - Nectar from Heaven!

3. Ford has a truck named, “Texas Edition” and only people from Texas would really know what that means

4. The Tex-Mex (Pappasitos) - I can hear my stomach growling...

5. Sweet tea is common - it’s a staple in my house.

6. The fact that one day it can be cold and rainy outside and the next day you can be hot and laying by your pool catching some rays - Happened too many times to count!

7. Nothing like some good ole Texas BBQ - AMEN!

8. Generally people are so friendly and you can start a conversation with a complete stranger in the grocery store - I can’t even tell you how many people I randomly start talking to in the store.

9. Football isn’t just a game in Texas - my favorite story about this...I went to see Blindside with some friends from up north. When we got to the movie theatre you had to wait in line before they opened the theatre in a section they blocked off. They were just in awe of how many people were there to see this movie. I thought it was because it got big reviews...they said "Nah. It’s a movie about football and people in Texas take that seriously.”

10. Bluebonnets. Enough said.

11. You can be in a big city and within an hour you can be in the middle of no where

12. The stars are so bright on a clear night - “The Stars at Night Are Big and Bright! Deep in the Heart of Texas!” Ok, I will stop!

13. You could drive all day and still be in Texas. - Which I have done.

14. We call all soda drinks, Coke - So confusing when you have friends from out of state.

15. The Rodeo - that includes watching the trailriders ride in

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!!! It is about stinkin' time you started a blog! And yes, another thing about Texas is that you can drop the last letter in just about any word and still be understood. I am officially going to be a stalker on your blog. Love you!
