I don't know about you but these summer months, weeks, even days seem to be just flying by. I wish it was not so...I just want to sit and just soak it all in, but that is not the case right now. I have so much to tell ya...tons to catch up on. So just prepare yourself...this is going to be long.
First, we wrapped up the Girl's Summer Bible Study- Sex and the City last Monday. It was such a fun fun night. I can't even begin to express how much the Bible Study changed my life and loved what God taught each of us. It was an awesome time and I soo miss studying the Word with everyone.
Here are a few photos of the last couple of weeks.
This was week 3 -
Week 4
Week 5 -
One of the things everyone just loved each week...
The girl's are so precious. They bought me these wonderful gifts at the end of the study...crazy about them!
This really shows how behind I am on blogging...we celebrated my awesome Mom's birthday a few months back and had such a fun time celebrating her. We had a garden party - if you know my mom...you know she is a garden freak! Here are some fun photos from her fun night...
Isn't that crown awesome? I just love it and the birthday Queen! She was so fun to celebrate!
My cousins from Kansas came to visit. He had such a fun fun time.
Love love love my family. Here a few snap shots from the time they were here.
One of my man and I's friends moved a couple of years ago to Seattle. They mean so much to us and are just so dear to our hearts. They were both in our wedding and we have been friends now for about 8 years. She was in town and we got to catch up over lunch with their beautiful daughters...
Sorry this photo is blurry...I'm not that great at taking photos with my iPhone.
Also, another one of our very close friends came to visit Houston. We caught up with them and some of our close friends over dinner. It was such a fun night and loved seeing them! They will never know how precious they are to each of us...we love love love them and their family a ton!
Last, I'm currently gearing up for the fall (which is sad to say that is around the corner). I'm currently doing 2 very awesome Bible Studies. I'm studying Esther and Ruth. Loving them both for different reasons. I love how God puts the right things for you to study at the perfect season in your life. He's so amazing!
Hope you have enjoyed your summer so far and continue to take each day in for what God has in store.
Abby has that crown! Awesome! We were playing with it yesterday in my closet (I mean...a castle). Your table decorations are always beautiful - glad your mom had fun - and thanks for the shout-out! :)