I was completely blessed and blown away by God this past winter. I taught a winter Bible Study during the Christmas break called 'Winter Wonderland'. The 3 week series was for girls 7th-college. It was an absolute blast.
God laid on my heart at the end of the summer to start preparing on a series for getting to your personal Promise Land - and by getting there you got to go through your 'wonderland'. We dove into finding what God's promises are for us, how to walk them out, having giants in our land, and last but not least taking His promises to the world.
If you have attended Bible study with me before, you know I like to 'bling or pimp' anything and everything out. For the 'wonderland' feel I decided to hang over 300 snowflakes and icicles from my ceiling. It was a pain...I'm not going to lie, but it sure was worth it. From the water bottles, pens, and paper there was no question what our theme was. Don't you just love the fact we serve the most Creative Being ever? I sure do! I love that every time the girls mention how cool it looks...I say don't you just love that the God we serve isn't boring but fun and so creative. I'm grateful we can tap into that!! Here are some pics of the study...

I'm really excited to see who God is going to raise up to become leaders for the next study. Below is a pic of the precious leaders I'm talking about..
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