Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Weekend Wrap!!

This weekend was filled with goodness.

Friday was spent with my Mom. She has been out of town for a week and we didn't get to talk much while she was gone. It was amazing getting to catch up and hang out.

We have a thing called "Fantastic Fridays". Kinda corny, but we love it. Basically it's our time together. We do lunch and something fun (typically shop...yeah). Early on before we got really busy in ministry, we made a choice to have a designated time together and now it's the best and we both look forward to it all week.

While we were out shopping, my Momma got me a new cookbook. We both love to cook and each year we get the new Southern Living Christmas Cookbook. So many good things in there.

We alternate on who plans each Friday. The person who is in charge of that week plans where we go to lunch and what we do afterwards.

My mom is crazy busy...probably more than me. She is super artistic and she uses it all for God's Kingdom. She is currently writing a book, writing and directing a Women's Holiday mini production, writing material on mentorship for a new church program, and starting a Christian Broadway-type theatre...therefore, you can say she's busy.

My man and I were home a ton on Saturday which was good since we had a busy Sunday. Did the whole house thing and then relaxed. I love those days!

Sunday was packed. Kicking off with church (which you know is my fav). I look forward to church all week. We are learning about Peter right now, and I'm always so bummed when our Pastor wraps it up...I'm like, let's go for another hour!

After church, I headed home for a quick lunch and then was off to a baby shower to celebrate a friend's new addition to the family.

After the shower, I went home, picked up my man, and we headed to a kick-off party for our church's first Community Groups. We met a ton of new people that I'm excited to study God's Word and do life with at Bayou City. I'm just praying I remember all these peoples' names next week. (I'm terrible with names...I can remember a face though).

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