Sunday, July 10, 2011


Recently, it's been insane over here... I'm so thankful for summer, though. It's such a great and fun time for ministry with the girls, but to tell ya it's been crazy for PiNK's staff schedules would be putting it lightly.

I wanted to check in and give you a quick update on summer so far... and even better, I thought I would do it through photos.

First, here is a very small and hard to see photo of some of the girls attending Hoarders Summer Bible Study... God has been blowing our socks off. Tuesday nights have been the highlight of my summer.

My sweet cousin, Emily, came to visit us from Kansas. We had a blast with her while she was here.

Emily, Mom, and I went to Painting with a Twist one night - we had a blast.
Showing how we got paint all over us!

We made a road trip up to A&M for the day to show Emily around campus and hopefully convince her to move back down here in a few years and become a future Aggie.

The three of us also ventured to the Kemah Boardwalk for a day!

So sad to see her leave. Love her oh so much! Between some long car rides, movies, countless hours of games, pedicures, manicures, painting, shopping, and digging into God's Word, we had a blast with her here.

If you know me, I haven't ever really used the crock pot. My closest friends say it's a true blessing to any woman... So, I gave it a try to and cooked a roast, potatoes, and carrots last week and we loved it. The house smelled amazing all day.

With the leftovers from the roast, I made a homemade beef potpie! Oh, happy day!

This summer, PiNK Ministries started a college girls night on Thursdays called - ChickChat Night. This has been a powerful time of talking about a passage from a book and praying together. It's been a true blessing to me personally, and I've enjoyed every moment with them. I've loved just talking 'til the wee hours of the morning, crying, and gut laughing 'til my stomach's hurt. Here are a few of the girls from ChickChat Night.

Here is the book the girls at ChickChat Night and I have been using for our group discussions. I love this book! I'm actually going to be blogging about Notes for the Goats soon. Amber, the author, is a firecracker for Jesus, and hearing her heart and passion for Him through the pages is amazing. The girls and I are loving it.

Of course, I'm loving working with PiNK's interns this summer! They have been a pure joy and God-send to me. I'm sure going to miss them.

On Friday we had a staff lunch here, and I just love love love this place.

This season with the LORD is one that will go down in the books. I've been journaling a ton in this season. With so much going on... I mean so much... it has done me a world of good to journal and write down what the LORD is showing and teaching me. This scripture below just popped at me the other day, and I decided to write it on the board in our kitchen.

Sweet morning time with my Savior.

I love my job and just have to tell you a few of my favorite things about it...
Of course digging into and sharing the Word of God with people is my favorite, but here are a few others...

Praying and believing with girls!

Spending sweet, quality time with them...I wish I could remember to take a photo with all the girls I have a date with, but here are a few I remembered...

Finally - some random favorite things recently...

My friend popped in the other week with a bag of these and ever since I've been addicted.

A sweet necklace I got with the girls shopping. Love this and the flower is pink (of course).

A new headband. I'm so loving the trend of having flowers in your hair. This one is super cute, big, and pink. My momma picked it up for me... she's so awesome!

Hope you are having a wonderful and blessed summer!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blogs! They are so up beat! Plus, I love hearing about your inspiring! Isn't journaling fun?!? I love shopping for new ones that reflect the season I'm in. Anyway, you're mom is so mom picks me up little things too lol
