Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Questions - Week 2

During PiNK's winter Bible study, girls have submitted questions they'd like to have answered. Here are the answers to the questions asked for week 2:

1. Can a long term relationship work if it's a godly one? I've been told so many times to give up but I feel like there's something there that can work. I'm not one to give up without a fight but can something like this work?

Yes, godly long-time relationships can work, but parameters must be set in order to protect your relationship with God, and your parents.

a. Always maintain a healthy God-driven life. God has got to be first place in every thing you do. Including all of your decisions. Remember he is still a boyfriend, not your husband. God and your parents are your head.
b. Never, never disobey your parents regarding any relationship. Always maintain a healthy relationship with your parents and include your boyfriend in things your parents approve of him being a part of.
c. Make sure he understands he is to never take advantage of you. Set physical parameters between the two of you
and don't change them. Don't allow yourself to be placed in any position that could compromise your parameters.
d. Hang around godly friends.
e. Maintain purity in all that you do.

2. I love God, and I want to follow Him 110%, I pray, read my Bible - I just don't feel the same crazy, obsessive passion most Christians do. Is this stoicism dangerous?

Why do you feel you can't display your emotions? God is emotional and created emotions in us.

Being passionate and crazy for Jesus is just an overflow of the heart. When you read your Bible, pray, worship, and seek Him - you can't help but be passionate about what He has done for you. Coming to the realization of what Christ has done...paying the ultimate price for our sin - that makes me want to shout from just typing that. Being saved, being redeemed, being set free, my friend - that is definitely something to be passionate and rejoice about. :)

3. Is it possible to get regular earrings and be allergic to metal?

Yes. A lot of people are allergic to anything besides pure gold or silver.

4. I'm on the drum-line at my school, which isn't so godly. Even though we're not together anymore how do I turn them away from all the worldly things?

Be authentic by being a real Christ-follower, and share what Jesus does in your life. You cannot change a heart, but Jesus can, and you living the Christ-like life will cause you to draw people to you. When Christ is lifted up, men are drawn to Him (John 12:32). From that you can share why you live a life of freedom - it's Jesus Christ!

5. How do you make prayer a habit?

By doing it. Setting a plan to pray every day at the same time is the easiest way to develop a habit. Repetition develops a habit, bad or good. I have heard it said a habit is developed by doing the same thing every day for 21 consecutive days. If you don't know where to begin, then start by learning the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). This is where Jesus taught His disciples how and what to pray. It's the greatest example of prayer we have! Try it and you will never regret making prayer a habit in your life! I'm so excited you want prayer to be a habit! You go, girl!!!

6. I go to church & Bible study & I try to do the right thing. I never cuss & try to help my friends, but I feel like I'm never doing enough to serve the Lord. What do you think I should do? I feel empty.

How often do you pray and read the Word? The Word is alive and living and adds life to our spirit. Without the Word, we become dry and lifeless and can feel empty. Check how much you are reading the Word of God every day. The more you read the Word the stronger and more life you will have....

Also, if you really want to get in serving - maybe check out serving in your Children's Ministry at church as a helper, or see any local mission projects you can help assist at one weekend.

7. Are there reasons why we wear clothes?

Because Adam and Eve sinned, God had to kill an animal to cloth their nakedness. Ever since then mankind has worn clothes. "The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them" (Gen 3:21 NIV).

8. What are your thoughts about homosexuals and if they go to heaven?

Homosexuality is a sin. "Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable"
(Leviticus 18:22). "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads" (Leviticus 20:13 NIV). God hated it so much, He commanded them to be put to death if they were caught. He created a woman for Adam, not a man. God intended for men and women to be fruitful and multiply the earth, to have children and raise a family that knew Him and loved Him, and perpetuated Him. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Old Testament shows us what He likes and does like, His personality, and thankfully, the New Testament shows us the unmerited favor of God through grace. He does not change. He still dislikes the act of homosexuality, but loves every person and wants each person to come to know Him. He wants that person to live a free and wonderful life in Him. Look at Galatians 5:19-21. Paul is very clear "immorality" - which in the Greek (the original word) it's the word "porena" meaning, illicit sexual intercourse (a. adultery, fornication, homosexuality, lesbianism, intercourse with animals etc.) Paul ends by writing in verse 21 - "...that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God."

9. I am not the biggest fan of worship. Like I understand that I should want to praise, but I never feel the I guess "feeling" of raising my hands or getting deeply "in to" a song. Does this make me a bad Christian?

Well, since we will worship the "Lamb" for eternity in heaven it might be an issue, since we are to emulate on earth what we will do in heaven. Worship is a lifestyle. It's not just what you do when a song comes on, but it is what you do every day with your life. Do you make decisions God's way, or do you do your own thing? Do you pray and read the Word every day?
Is God the center of your life consistently? If not, then you need a real relationship with Him. Once you have a real relationship with Jesus Christ, it's really hard not to react to the praise and worship. You want to give Him everything you've got, raise your hands, bow before Him, but you can't help but respond to Him whenever you are in His Presence.

It's not all about getting deeply "into" a particular song, girl. It's ALL about getting deeply "into" Jesus. When you realize what He has done for you, what He's saved you from, the price He paid, then girl...You can't help but PRAISE Him.

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